Master Zuni Potter Noreen Simplicio, assisted by Zuni artist Davis Coonsis, teaches the art of making Zuni pinch pots during Corridor Media Foundation’s Artist in Schools Education Program at the Grand Canyon School at the South Rim of Grand Canyon National Park – April 17-21, 2023.

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HANDS ON ART – Students of Grand Canyon School try their hands at making authentic Zuni pinch pots.

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Grand Canyon School ArtFest April 21, 2023

Featuring Zuni pinch pots created by students of Noreen Simplicio during a week of learning and creating in the Artist in Schools Education Program.

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Master Zuni Potter Noreen Simplicio


Corridor Media Foundation (a 501 c 3) sponsored our first  Artist in Schools Education Program featuring Noreen Simplicio, a Master Potter from the Pueblo of Zuni, New Mexico.  The program was held at Grand Canyon School, located in Grand Canyon Village at the South Rim of Grand Canyon National Park.  Noreen, assisted by Zuni artist Davis Coonsis,  taught Zuni pottery techniques and designs and shared her stories with the students.

We would like to express our heartfelt thanks to all who made donations to our program at the Grand Canyon Schools.  Thanks go out  to Ranger Dan Pawlak and the National Park Service for donating housing for the time that our artists were guests at Grand Canyon National Park.  Thanks also go to the Grand Canyon School PTA for their generous cash donation.

Corridor Media Foundation is an Arizona non-profit organization founded to provide a medium for exchange of resources by and for creatives, including fine artists, musicians, performing artists, graphic designers, video artists, photographers, writers, and students.  The Foundation is the culmination of many years publishing magazines and studio tour guides in New Mexico, promoting cultural and artistic activities throughout the state.
We are requesting your continued support to help us expand on the Artist in Schools Education Program to assist other artists in allowing our youth to learn more about the world around us and the creation of art through their own senses.
You can help us today by supporting the Artist in Schools program with your tax-deductible donation. Through this program, each artist will visit for 4-5 days. Our challenges to accomplish this mission include providing lodging/food and a stipend for each artist’s time and expertise.